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Welcome to VTGN10 Groundwater Engineering

We hope that you by the course Groundwater Engineering will obtain knowledge and skills, which give you a good introductory preparation for solving engineering problems concerning groundwater from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. 

The course has the goal to enhance your understanding of the occurrence, flow, origin and chemical and physical properties of groundwater and also, to a less detailed degree, of soil water. Another major goal of the coarse is to put the groundwater conditions into a perspective of natural resources and environmental circumstances. This latter goal includes an understanding of how natural and man-made "external additions" can change the hydrochemistry and cause groundwater contamination, as well as of how the groundwater conditions may affect infrastructural projects and vice versa. The course does also give a necessary knowledge basis for the advanced training in modelling, simulation and reporting of the subsequent course VTGN05 Groundwater modelling and contaminant transport.

The teaching is chiefly based on lectures and exercises and it is finished by a written examination on the 9th of January 2017. More details are given in the course schedule.

Groundwater Engineering is touching many fields of knowledge and science and therefore you will meet quite a few teachers during the course. The course starts by emphasizing the importance of the geological environment for the occurrence and properties of groundwater. Hydrogeological basic characteristics are treated and forms the base for a mathematical description of groundwater flow in aquifers and to wells. The course continues with a section on assessments of the hydraulic aquifer properties by hydraulic tests. Then follows a part treating hydrogeochemistry including sections on isotope techniques, contaminant transport and assessment of vulnerability and risk. Finally, an introduction to drilling technology and construction of wells is given.

Sidansvarig: webmaster@tg.lth.se | 2017-01-26